Spring 2013 Vol. 8 No. 4
Welcome to RiseZine my electronic magazine (ezine) that can help you
solve problems in your business and your life. It is my desire to bring you
inspiration from my life experiences and those I gained during the twenty
(20) years I spent as a Judge of the Denver County Court participating in
the transformation of lives. I’m convinced that those experiences will
heighten your knowledge, sensitivity and outlook on the issues you face in
your business and your life. I am honored to share your precious time with
Thank all of you in my
RiseZine family for your
kind inquiries asking, “Where’s My RiseZine?” It’s time let you know that
I’m writing my book and I have a publishing goal of mid-to-late 2014. I
have suspended writing the RiseZine
newsletter while I simply “open my veins and bleed” as Hemmingway described
the tedious task of writing a book.
You, my faithful
subscribers, will be the first to be offered a copy of what I’ve currently
titled, “Please Rise: Inspiration for the Trials in Your Life”.
As we head into 2014, I
wish all of you a great holiday season and a prosperous New Year. I am
having foot surgery in January and will be off the golf course and the ski
slopes for a month (despite what Paul and Charles Smith urge, skiing is not
happening again in this life). I will dedicate my time to writing.
I will continue to
coach my clients, speak to selected groups, and officiate wedding ceremonies
as I take this new journey. You have inspired, empowered and ignited me
with your demonstration of love and appreciation for my work and “I’m so in
love with you.” Thank you!
Can’t your organization use a healthy infusion of inspiration, motivation
or training in Leadership, Decision-making, Communication, Ethics or
Team-building? I can provide a keynote, workshop, seminar or individual
coaching tailored to meet your needs and help you and your team RISE.
"Do just once what others say you can’t do, and you will never pay
attention to their limitations again." James R. Cook.
Judge Beau Patterson
PO Box 24008
Hilton Head Island, SC 29925-4008
(843) 342-7473 Facsimile: (843) 342-7470
Email Beau@PleaseRise.com.
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