"The unvarnished truth of the matter is that you were a smash hit with our team members! Your lessons for life and experience from the bench hit home, and you inspired our team to break down the walls they've built up that hold them back."
- Douglas R. Oberhamer, President
Deep Rock Water Company
Judge Beau learned that the people he sentenced to jail weren’t the only people who had walls in their lives. Just as he helped defendants transform their lives, Beau will:
Deliver keynotes that give audiences tools to better “acquit” themselves for the challenges in their work and personal lives.
Give seminars and training that will empower service professionals with tools to “summon” their inner excellence in care and service.
Coach individuals to get the “verdicts” they want in their professional and personal lives.
You will identify with and be inspired when Beau relates his signature “Gorilla” story. You will learn the importance of mentoring when you hear his “Beagle” story. You will laugh out loud when Beau relives his experience as the “patient”. But the value of Beau’s stories is how you will learn to tear down the walls in your life that interfere with the fulfillment of your life goals and dreams.
Watch Judge Patterson deliver a 7 minute speech entitled “Walls” by clicking the ‘play video’ button below.
Book Beau for your next convention, association meeting or conference and receive a customized keynote, a relevant workshop or a combined keynote and breakout session that will make you look good, and inspire, empower and ignite your members.
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