What audiences are
saying about
Judge Patterson:
"Our members and guests were left in awe of your professional, dynamic, enthusiastic and unique presentation. You gave each and every attendee the ability to increase their knowledge base and provided them with impetus and inspiration to apply creative problem solving skills and techniques for life application."
- Gary Blackmon, Workshop Chair - Blacks In Government 2003 National Training Conference
"Judge Patterson’s presentation inspired me to go the extra mile in serving those I come in contact with in my work and my personal life. His speech had a message. He used humor to drive home the point concerning the importance of cohesiveness in a team."
- Alexias Anderson, Systems Administrator, City of Clemson, SC.
"Your topic really made our professional household managers stop and think about how to better approach their Principals-as well as their family and friends. We teach "win-win" here at Starkey, and you really drove the point home.” Besides sharing your obvious talent and experience in negotiations, the attendees really enjoyed your style of presentation-they love repeating your stories."
- Mary L. Starkey, Founder & President, Starkey International
"Judge Patterson is an excellent communicator; he provides managers the tools they need to Rise to new levels of performance to transform their business initiatives and improve customer relations."
- Victoria Henderson, President - Victoria & Associates Consultants
"Judge Patterson’s presentation was high energy. He has helped me be more understanding when working with people."
- Todd Percival, Network Technician, City of Beaufort, SC.
"Beau speaks with great presence and authority, but he does so in such a way that everyone can relate to him. I'll remember to be on the look out for opportunities to get a hand up, "not a hand out," to younger folks in my organization and my community. Honest, Inspirational, Heartfelt, Specifically related to the audience."
- Ed McCullough, Program Director - VanLandingham Rotary
"Judge Patterson (was) an enthusiastic and energetic speaker who did a great job of presenting and explaining his topic. The importance of relationships in building business was extremely valuable. The presentation was excellent."
- James Mitchell, President, Native Island Business and Community Affairs Association. (NIBCAA)
"Your 3 R’s of Networking were just what we needed to focus all the participants on the value of participation. I think your speech succeeded in producing a fourth R for our organization…We are "Re-energized" to accomplish our objectives. Thank you."
- Deirdra Barron, Secretary, Hilton Head Referral Network. (HHRN)
"Your remarks, wit, enthusiastic persona and insight to what Rotary and the charities it supports are all about came across to the audience in a most delightful manner. By getting them physically involved, you helped to keep the momentum of the luncheon and the day going. Your participation and help led to Rotary raising over $17,000 at the luncheon to continue our Deep Well Project support. Over 440 people attended, so your message reached the largest audience we have ever had at this type of event."
- John Howe, President, Hilton Head Rotary Club.
"The message (was) presented uniquely and enthusiastically. He has the ability to speak as if speaking individually to each of us."
- John Edwards, ERA Real Estate Co.
"Judge Patterson told real life stories in a humorous way. He related extremely well to our purpose."
- Bill Haley, Resort Quest.
"Good positive message. I liked his enthusiasm and warmth. I will try harder to help and mentor co-workers needing assistance."
- Ron Schmiedelcer, Agent, Kinghorn Insurance.
"I loved the stories related to the topic. He (was) an excellent speaker. He kept my attention and delivered a clear message. [I will] embrace my surroundings and let down my walls so that I may learn from those walls. Great Speech!"
- SSgt. Sarah Bensch, Enlisted Aid, United States Air Force.
"Your services as a Coach were invaluable. I am much better equipped to
develop valuable relationships with my clients. I have achieved success in
both my work as a consultant as well as through my employer."
-Laura Murfin-Grasser, L-M Organizers.
"Judge Beau Patterson (you) affirmed that 'volunteers are the HEART of
hospice.' Our volunteers were renewed and inspired by your enthusiasm, your
stories, and the sharing opportunities you provided for them."
-Susan Andre, Director of Volunteers, Hospice Care of
the Lowcountry.
"Judge Beau you gave our kids something to remember: B-A-L-L: that they need
Balance in the lives; that they need the proper Attitude; that they need to be
Leaders; and, that they need Life Long Learning. We have adopted the RAP you
gave us to start every Camp meeting.
-Rawn Grant, Coach, Hilton Head Basketball Camp 101.