"My problem-solving skills and Life-Lessons Learned from 20 years on the bench transfer powerfully from the courtroom to the boardroom. I will provide innovative tools so your employees will RISE to better performance."
By the age of 17, Beau Patterson had already learned how to overcome life's challenges. In his search for direction, Beau sought guidance from his high school counselor. He told the counselor that someday he wanted to graduate from college and become a successful businessman. How discouraged he could have become had he listened to that counselor's advice, which was "be a fry cook, or a porter on the train - you're not college material."
In spite of these hurtful comments and an untimely suspension at a critical part of his senior year, Beau fought back using his mind and spirit, not his fists. He learned that the key to achieving your dreams is believing in yourself. During his 10 years as a trial lawyer and 20 years on the bench, Beau often felt he was the only person in the courtroom who believed in himself. He made a choice to help others learn to believe in themselves and transform their lives.
After spending 30 years in Public Law, the last 20 years on the bench, Judge Beau Patterson retired and launched his motivational speaking company, Please Rise. Judge Beau, as he is affectionately called, takes the experiences he gained from the thousands of people who appeared before him to transform the lives of the people in his audiences. Beau relates stories from the bench to illustrate how people can overcome challenges in their work and lives to achieve peak performance. Whether it’s the story of the war protestors, the extortionist or the drunk driver, you will be riveted to your seats.
Judge Beau Patterson’s customized training programs imbue his clients with the same drive that lifted him from disappointment to success. Your employees will receive a learning experience that emboldens them with tools to achieve service excellence.
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